Other contributions
Tailoring disorder via coordinate transformations of the diffusion equation of light,
M. Wegener,
Symposium Tailored Disorder – Novel Materials for Advanced Optics and Photonics, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), November 25-30, 2018
Bioinspired Functional Materials
C. Zollfrank, TMS 2018 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 11.03.-15.03.2018, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Egel, A., Pattelli, L., Theobald, D., Gomard, G., & Lemmer, U. Efficiency and validity of the superposition T-matrix method: recent advances. The 17th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA (4-9 March, 2018).
Lemmer, U., Nanophotonics meets Organic Electronics, Optik-Colloquium Freiburg, (10 January, 2018)
"Workshop on Hyperuniformity and Local-Self Uniformity in Photonics", K. Busch, to be held on 25th-26th June 2018 at the University of Surrey, UK".
Optical Invisibility Cloaking,
M. Wegener,
International Workshop Novel Optical Materials, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis (U.S.A.), March 13-17, 2017
S. Weimann, M. Kremer, J. M. Zeuner, and A. Szameit, “Non-hermitian topological photonics,” Discrete, Nonlinear and Disordered Optics (DINDOS), Dresden, Germany (2017).
A. Szameit, “Non-hermitian topological photonics,” CUDOS Workshop No. 16, Kooindah Waters Resort, Australia (2017).
S. Weimann, M. Kremer, J. M. Zeuner, and A. Szameit, “Non-hermitian topological Photonics,” in “Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Physics: Theory and Experiment” of the 642. Heraeus Seminar, Bad Honnef, Germany (2017).
SPP spring school 2017, A deterministic aperiodic approach to 3D photonic structures with tailored disorder, M. Renner, M.-C. Angermann, D. Muschol, and G. von Freymann, KIT
Bioinspired Functional Materials
C. Zollfrank, 12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 12), 21.05-26.05.2017, Hawaii, USA,
T. Weiss, “Resonant state expansion – An efficient tool to calculate the influence of disorder,” Seminar at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (2017).
M. A. Schmidt, “Optofluidics in fibers: a new base for nonlinear optics and nanoobjects detection,” International Congress Engineering of Advanced Materials (ICEAM2017), Erlangen, Germany (2017).
M. A. Schmidt, “Nanowire-based Hybrid Optical Fibers – a platform for nonlinear light generation and plasmonics,” CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany (2017).
S. Warren-Smith and M. A. Schmidt, “Hybrid optical fibers: a platform for nanoscale photonics and nonlinear light generation,” CLEO PR, Singapore (2017).
A. Abass, S. Nanz, and C. Rockstuhl, “Deducing optimal disordered textures for energy harvesting”, 10th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices 2017, Zuse Institute, Berlin, Germany
A. Abass, S. Nanz, P. Piechulla, A. Sprafke, R. Wehrspohn, and C. Rockstuhl, “Tailored Disorder for Light Trapping”, EMRS Spring Meeting 2017 Strassbourg, France
S. Mathur, Metal Oxide Nanosurfaces and Hetero-Interfaces for Solar Harvesting Applications, MRS Fall Meeting 2017, Boston, USA.
E.L. Gurevich, Ordered and Disordered Surface Structures Generated By Ultra-Short Laser Pulses, SPP 1839 Spring School Karlsruhe, 2017
L.M. Kukreja, Femtosecond Laser Peening: Recent Development, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2017
Lemmer, U., Printed nanostructured optoelectronic devices and systems, Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, (21 April, 2017)
Gomard, G. Bio-inspired disordered photonic structures for photovoltaic applications. Optical biomimetics, Imperial College London, UK (22 February, 2017).
Superconducting single photon detectors, W.H.P. Pernice, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego (2017).
Waveguide integrated superconducting single photon detectors, W.H.P. Pernice, ECOC, Gothenburg, Sweden (2017).
T. Weiss, “Resonant state expansion – An efficient tool to calculate the influence of disorder,” Seminar at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (2017).
H: Giessen: “Novel active plasmonic systems”, DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, Germany (2017).
Fabritius, H.-O. How living organisms manipulate light: Photonic structures in nature. Spring School of the SPP 1839 „Tailored Disorder“, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 15-17, 2017.
C. Rockstuhl, “Design of Artificial Optical Materials”, XXXV EUPROMETA Doctoral School on Photonic Nanomaterials & Metamaterials 2017, Rome, Italy
I. Staude, R. Guo, E. Rusak, J. Dominguez, M. Decker, C. Rockstuhl, I. Brener, D. N. Neshev, T. Pertsch, and Y. S. Kivshar, “Hybrid metal-dielectric nanostructures for advanced light-field manipulation” SPIE Photonics West 2017, San Francisco, USA
I. Staude, “Controlling Light with Mie-Resonant Semiconductor Metasurfaces”, plenary talk, 21st German Conference of Women in Physics, Ilmenau, Germany, October 2017.
I. Staude, “Mie-Resonant Dielectric Metasurfaces: Wavefront Control and Beyond”, invited lecture, IMPRS Physics of Light Annual Meeting 2017, Gößweinstein 2017.
I. Staude, “Mie-Resonant Semiconductor Metasurfaces”, invited talk, Complex Nanophotonics Science Camp, Berkshire, UK, July 2017.
I. Staude, “Mie-Resonant Semiconductor Metasurfaces: Wavefront Control and Beyond”, keynote talk, ICCES Conference, Funchal, Portugal, June 2017.
I. Staude, “Dielectric metasurfaces - fundamentals and applications”, invited lecture, Doctoral Summer School on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 2017.
I. Staude, “All Dielectric Metasurfaces – Part I & II”, invited lecture, EUROMETA – 33rd Doctoral School on Metamaterials, University of Bordeaux, France, April 2017.
I. Staude, “Controlling Light Fields with Mie-Resonant Dielectric Metasurfaces”, Hertha-Sponer-Prize talk (plenary), DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, March 2017.
I. Staude, “Functional photonic nanostructures based on Mie-resonant semiconductor nanoparticles”, invited talk, SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, USA, January 2017.
„Nanocomposites for photocatalysis“ P. Schaaf, „The great transition“, 2017/07, DGM, Darmstadt
Tailored metallic nanoparticles fabricated via solid-state dewetting, Dong Wang, ICASS 2017, 2017/06, Dalian, China.
Invisibility cloaking in light-scattering media,
M. Wegener,
The 12th International Congress on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-XII),
York (UK), July 18-21, 2016
Metamaterial devices for molding the flow of diffuse light,
M. Wegener,
Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems, SPIE Optics + Photonics Meeting 2016,
San Diego (U.S.A.), August 28 - September 1, 2016
A. Szameit, S. Stützer, Y. Plotnik, J. M. Zeuner, Y. Lumer, M. A. Bandres, M. Segev, and M. Rechtsman, “Realization of topological Anderson insulators,” in Photonics West conference, paper 9762-28, San Francisco, USA (2016).
S. Weimann, J. M. Zeuner, T. Eichelkraut, M. Kremer, Y. Plotnik, Y. Lumer, K. G. Makris, S. Nolte, M. Segev, M. S. Rudner, M. C. Rechtsman, and A. Szameit, "Non-hermitian, topological features in waveguide arrays", in Control of Light and Matter Waves Propagation and Localization in Photonic Lattices Conference, Santiago de Chile, Chile (2016).
A. Szameit, “Topological Photonics,” in Summer school on 'Floquet Physics', Wroclaw, Poland (2016)
J. M. Zeuner, Y. Plotnik, Y. Lumer,M. S. Rudner, M. Segev, M. C. Rechtsman, and A. Szameit, “Probing Topological Invariants in the Bulk of Non-Hermitian Photonic Lattices,” in DokDok Conference (2016)
A. Szameit, “Photonic Topological Insulators,” in Center of Innovation Competence “ultraoptics” status seminar, Jena, Germany (2016)
S. Weimann, J. M. Zeuner, M. Kremer, M. Rechtsman, K. G. Makris,Y. Plotnik, Y. Lumer, M. S. Rudner, M. Segev, and A. Szameit, “Non-Hermitian topological photonics,” in META’16 conference, paper 4304, Malaga, Spain (2016)
J. M. Zeuner, S. Stützer, Y. Plotnik, Y. Lumer, M. A. Bandres, M. Segev, M. C. Rechtsman, and A. Szameit, “Realization of Topological Anderson Insulators,” in Conference on Interactions and Topology in Dirac Systems, Triest, Italy (2016)
A. Szameit, S. Stützer, Y. Plotnik, J. M. Zeuner, Y. Lumer, M. A. Bandres, M. C. Rechtsman, and M. Segev, “Topological Photonics,” in 2nd workshop on Progress on Ultrafast Laser Modifications of Materials, Neuchatel, Switzerland (2016)
M. C. Rechtsman, Y. Lumer, Y. Plotnik, A. Perez-Leija, A. Szameit, and M. Segev, “Topological Protection of Photonic Quantum Entanglement,” in PIERS 2016 conference, Shanghai, China (2016) – invited.
META 2016, A deterministic aperiodic approach to three-dimensionally photonic structures with tailored disorder, M. Renner, M.-C. Angermann, and G. von Freymann
Bioinspired Optical Materials
Plenary lecture
C. Zollfrank, Phosphor Safari 2016, 28.11.16-01.12.16, Hongkong, HK
M. A. Schmidt, “Microstructured optical fibers: an innovative base for photonic sensing and light generation,” Micro Photonics, Berlin (2016). Plenary presentation
M. A. Schmidt, “Hybrid optical fibers: a new base for plasmonic nanoprobes and optofluidic nanoparticle sensing,” Spring meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS). Lille, France (2016).
K. Leo, “Organic semiconductors for LEDs and lasers”, EOSAM Berlin, 2016
Maiwald L., Jalas D., Petrov A. Yu., Eich M. 2016. Ewald sphere approach to structural color in disordered structures. EMRS Spring Meeting 2016, Lille, France
L.M. Kukreja, Emerging Technologies of Laser Materials Processing, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2016
Discontinuous Galerkin methods in Nano-Photonics, K. Busch, META’16, Malaga, Spain (2016)
Discontinuous Galerkin methods in Nano-Photonics, K. Busch, 16th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD’16), Sydney (2016), Australia
H. Giessen: “Complex functional plasmonics - from fundamentals to applications”, MRS Tutorial, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA (2016).
H. Giessen: “Surface plasmonics and nanooptics - new avenues”, Invited talk, PQE-16, Snowbird, USA.
Fabritius, H.-O., Schwind, B. and Wu, X. Broadband reflecting fibers with tailored structures inspired by desert ants. SPP 1839 Kick-off and Networking Meeting, Wilhelm-Conrad-Roentgen Campus (Bessy II), Berlin, Germany, Feb 26, 2016.
I. Staude, “Mie-resonant dielectric metasurfaces and nanoantennas”, invited talk, ICONO-2016, Minsk, Belarus, September 2016.
I. Staude, K. E. Chong, L. Wang, A. R. James, J. Dominguez, S. Liu, G. S. Subramania, M. Decker, D. N. Neshev, I. Brener, and Yu. S. Kivshar, “Light-field control with silicon Huygens’ metasurfaces”, invited talk, EOSAM 2016, Berlin, Germany, September 2016.
I. Staude, K. E. Chong, M. Decker, D. N. Neshev, I. Brener, Yu. S. Kivshar “Resonant Dielectric Huygens’ metasurfaces”, invited talk, CIMTEC 2016, Perugia, Italy, June 2016.
Light localization and the non-linear Response of Nanostructures, Sino-German Bilateral Symposium “Nano-Photonics And Nano-Optoelectronics”, E. Runge Tübingen/Herrenberg, 4.-7. 4. 2016
Disorder: A Curse and a Blessing, E. Runge, Workshop at TU Chemnitz, 22. 4. 2016
Komplex designte und komplex geordnete Nanostrukturen für Anwendungen von Energie bis Medizin; P. Schaaf, „Nano meets future“, 2016/09, Saarbrücken
Breakthrough Talk,
3D invisibility cloaking in ballistic and diffusive propagation of light,
M. Wegener,
The 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, NANOMETA 2015, Seefeld (Austria), January 5-8, 2015
Macroscopic broadband 3D invisibility cloaking for diffusive visible light,
R. Schittny, A. Niemeyer, M. Kadic, T. Bückmann, A. Naber, and M. Wegener,
International Conference Photonics West, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures V, San Francisco (U.S.A.), February 7-12, 2015
Invisibility Cloaking in Diffuse Light,
R. Schittny, A. Niemeyer, T. Bückmann, M. Kadic, A. Naber, and M. Wegener,
France-Korea Meeting at Institut de Physique et Chemie des Materiaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), Strasbourg (France), May 18-20, 2015
Recent progress on diffusive light cloaking,
M. Wegener,
The 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Oxford (UK), September 7-12, 2015
A. Szameit, S. Stützer, J. M. Zeuner, and A. Szameit, M. C. Rechtsman, Y. Plotnik, Y. Lumer, M. A. Bandres, and M. Segev, P. Titum, N. H. Lindner, and G. Refael, “Photonic Topological Insulators and Topological Anderson Insulators,” in Workshop on Topological effects and synthetic gauge/magnetic fields for atoms and photons, Zagreb, Croatia (2015).
A. Szameit, “Topological Anderson Insulators for Light,” in workshop on Waves and imaging in random media, Paris, France (2015).
MRS Spring meeting 2015, Transport in 3D Photonic Crystal with tailored disorder, M. Renner and G. von Freymann, San Francisco, USA
Bioinspired Optical Materials
Plenary lecture
C. Zollfrank, Humboldt Kolleg “Science and Society - the Use of Light” at the 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering ICNBME-2015, 23.09-26.09.2015 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, MD
H. Froeb, “Organic Semiconductor Lasers”, Advanced Materials and Technology, Palanga 2015
Gomard, G., Yidenekachew, D., Siddique, R. H., Huenig, R., Hoelscher, H., Bittkau, K., Depauw, V., Peretti, R., Meng, X., Drouard, E., Seassal, C. & Lemmer, U. (2015, November). Controlling disorder for improved light management in solar cells. In Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics (pp. PTh2B-1). Optical Society of America.
Gomard, G., Abass, A., Schumann, M. F., Nanz, S., Richards, B. S., Wegener, M., & Rockstuhl, C. Tailoring complex photonic structures for enhancing solar cells. European Workshop “Nanophotonics for Solar Energy: Current Trends and future challenges”, Berlin, Germany (18 November 2015)
Fabritius, H.-O. Photonische Strukturen in der Natur: Wie Lebewesen Licht manipulieren. Meilensteintreffen BMBF Nachwuchsgruppe morPHOx, Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany, Dec 16, 2015.
I. Staude, Manuel Decker, Katie E. Chong, Dragomir N. Neshev, Igal Brener, Yuri S. Kivshar “Functional photonic nanostructures based on resonant dielectric nanoparticles”, invited talk, SPIE Micro+Nano Materials, Devices, and Systems, Sydney, Australia, December 2015.
Fabritius, H.-O. Biological Photonic Structures. Keynote at the Kick-Off meeting of the DFG SPP1839, Wilhelm-Conrad-Roentgen Campus (Bessy II), Berlin, Germany, Sep 25, 2014.
Invited presentations conferences (31.01.2018)